

Meta Discovery Commerce

PROBLEM: Create a unifying art direction for products that come from a wide array of small businesses, while making them feel distinct, unique, and special.
INSIGHT: Discovering a product you love can sometimes feel magical.
SOLUTION: Show products in action, as if they had a life of their own and are appearing right in front of people—ready to be taken by those who will love them.

MY ROLE: Art Direction
For this project, I selected the small businesses and their corresponding products to be featured/shot. I also led and gave direction as to exactly what kind of shot we wanted.

AD: Ceci Bergier 
Photographer: Nigel Cox
CD: Kate Daggett

Buy Black

MY ROLE: I lead the photoshoot for the Buy Black campaign. My colleague designed the print ads.

AD - Photo: Ceci Bergier
AD - Print: Roxy Weisbard
CD: Kate Daggett
Photographer: Jessica Pettaway

Disney Copper Creek Photoshoot

For this photoshoot, I participated throughout the entire process. We worked with photographers Jeremy & Claire Weiss.


  • Concepting for required shots.

  • Lead role making decisions during the shoot involving types of shots, talent and wardrobe.

  • Managed the retouching process.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Jeremy & Claire Weiss
ACD: Ceci Bergier
CD: Chris Bean

Lego Marina

OVERVIEW: I am a big Lego fan and own a ton of sets and characters. When I went on a trip to Mexico, I created an “activity pack” to keep myself entertained on the plane (I never grew out of play time). In that pack was Lego Marina. I created this Lego Minifigure and began taking pictures of it everywhere I went – the beach, the plane, etc. Shortly after, it became a fun part of my daily activities.

RESULTS: Aside from having fun (which is my main goal), taking pictures of Lego Marina has helped me in several ways:

  1. I’m always thinking of potential shots.

  2. It has made me a better art director and improved my photography skills.

  3. It brings joy to my life and those who follow.

  4. It’s taught me to be resourceful, make quick creative decisions and work with what I have.

  5. It’s taught me to move fast and develop content daily.

  6. It even helped me get freelance work.

MY ROLE: Full creative direction and execution.

TALENT: Lego Marina